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Home » People » M Jauhar Kholili

Profile Summary

M Jauhar Kholili is a researcher and member of the Experimental High-Energy Physics research group, BRIN Research Center for Quantum Physics. He earned his doctoral degree from SOKENDAI (KEK, Tsukuba) in 2019 with a focus on particle detectors and their electronic system. His current research interests include developing detector systems and detectors for muon tomography applications in Indonesia.

Academic Degrees

  • Ph.D. | Nuclear and Particle Physics, SOKENDAI, KEK Campus, Japan.
  • M.Sc. | Nanosci. and Nanotech, KU Leuven, Belgium, and Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden.
  • S.Si. / B.Sc. | Department of Physics, Universitas Indonesia, Indonesia.

Work Experience

  • 2021-present, Researcher, BRIN Research Center for Quantum Physics, Indonesia.
  • 2020-2021, Researcher, LIPI Research Center for Physics, Indonesia.
  • 2016-2019, Research Assistant, KEK, Japan.

Selected Publications