👨🏼🏫👩🏼🏫 Teaching & Learning
On this page, we collect educational materials that our researchers have created for students, educators, and anyone interested in science, especially quantum physics. These materials include a variety of presentations, tutorials, lecture notes, etc., all designed to enable exploration of the key concepts and findings in our research field. Our goal is to simplify the learning process and create a collaborative and knowledge-sharing environment that encourages active participation and engagement in our research.
Quantum Field Theory for Condensed Matter Physics
- Introduction to quantum field theory [video]
- 1D harmonic chain and classical field formalism [video]
- Hamiltonian formulation and symmetry breaking in 1D [video]
- Energy density and heat capacity in 1D [video]
- Quantization of quantum field [video]
- Creation and annihilation operators [video]
- Specific heat of quantum systems [video]
- Harmonic oscillators modeled by van der Waals potential [video]
- Second quantization [part 1, part 2]
- Nearly free electron [video]
- Tight-binding model [video]
- Relativistic electron in graphene [video]
- Coulomb interaction in the tight-binding model [video]

Advanced Condensed Matter Physics
- Hubbard model, Mott transition, and antiferromagnetism [video]
- Klein tunneling [video]
- Valleytronics [video]
DFT Calculations with Quantum ESPRESSO (QE)
- A brief introduction to density-functional theory (DFT) [notes, video]
- QE installation [video]
- Setting crystal structure in QE [video]
- QE input parameters [video]
- Self-consistent calculation [video]
- Checking for convergence [video]
- Simultaneous optimization of the unit cell and internal coordinates [video]
- Calculate and plot charge density [video]
- Density-of-states calculation [video]
- Band structure calculation [video]
- Phonon calculation [video]
Thermal Properties from phonopy
- Introduction to phonons [video]
- How to install phonopy [video]
- Running phonopy [video]
- Phonon bands & density-of-states calculation [video]
- Thermal properties calculation [video]
- Lattice thermal conductivity [video]
- Grüneisen parameter [video]

Semiclassical Transport with BoltzTraP2
- BoltzTrap2 installation [video]
- How to run BoltzTrap2 [video]
- Plot bands and Fermi surface [video]
- Calculate transport properties represented by the Seebeck coefficient [video]
Writing Documents with LaTeX
- Introduction to LaTeX and Overleaf [notes]
- General code in LaTeX [video]
- How to write Mathematical Notations and Equations [video]
- How to add Tables, Pictures, Table of Contents, References, etc. [video]