Researcher Directory

Dr. Suci Winarsih is a senior researcher and member of the Quantum Devices & Technology research group. She holds a doctoral degree from Universitas Indonesia, Indonesia (2021), with 3 years of experience as an International Program Associate at RIKEN, Japan (2017-2020).
Her doctoral thesis concerned nano-sized effects on the physical properties of antiferromagnets and high-Tc superconductors investigated by muon-spin spectroscopy. She is now expanding her research interests on functional magnetic materials such as solid oxide fuel cells, magnetoresistance, magnetocaloric materials, magnetic absorbance, and magnetic nanoparticles to understand their fundamental physical properties and develop them for future energy, medical, and electronic device applications.
- Research Keywords: Functional magnetic materials, Muon-spin spectroscopy, Nanoparticles, Superconductivity.
- Contact: suci.winarsih(at)
- Metrics: Google Scholar, Scopus
- Dr. (2021) | Department of Physics, Universitas Indonesia, Indonesia.
- M.Si. / M.Sc. (2016) | Department of Physics, Universitas Indonesia, Indonesia.
- S.Si / B.Sc. (2014) | Department of Physics, Universitas Padjadjaran, Indonesia.
- 2022–present, Junior Researcher, BRIN Research Center for Quantum Physics, Indonesia.
- 2020–2021, Post-Doctoral Researcher, Universitas Padjadjaran, Indonesia.
- 2017–2020, International Program Associate, RIKEN, Japan.
- 2018–2020, Visiting Researcher, Sophia University, Japan.
- 2017, Lecturer, Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University, Indonesia.
- 2011–2014, Academic Assistant, Universitas Padjadjaran, Indonesia.
- R. Pratama, T. Saragi, T. Maulana, S. Winarsih, Y. Maryati, M. A. Syakuur, U. Widyaiswari, D. P. Sari, M. Manawan, Risdiana, “Changes in the Structural Parameters and Effective Magnetic Moment of Eu2−xCexCuO4+α−δ by Zn Substitution”, Coatings 12, 789 (2022).
- Y. Maryati, S. Winarsih, M. A. Syakuur, M. Manawan, T. Saragi, Risdiana, “Structure properties and hopping conduction in the normal state of electron-doped superconductor cuprate Eu2-xCexCuO4+α-δ”, ACS Omega 7, 12601 (2022).
- S. Winarsih, F. Budiman, H.Tanaka, T. Adachi, A. Koda, Y. Horibe, B. Kurniawan, I. Watanabe, and Risdiana, “Observation of Cu Spin Fluctuations in High-Tc Cuprate Superconductor Nanoparticles Investigated by Muon Spin Relaxation”, Nanomaterials 11, 3450 (2021).
- A. R. Noviyanti, Juliandri, S. Winarsih, D. G. Syarif, Y. T. Malik, R. Septawendar, and Risdiana, “Highly enhanced electrical properties of lanthanum-silicate-oxide-based SOFC electrolytes with co-doped tin and bismuth in La9.33−xBixSi6−ySnyO26”, RSC Advances 11, 38589 (2021).
- O. Nurhilal, S. Winarsih, S. Hidayat, D. Sumiarsa and Risdiana, “High Sulfur Content of Mesoporous Activated Carbon Composite Derived from Water Hyacinth”, Sustainability 13, 12880 (2021).
- E. Pratikna, L. Safriani, N. Riveli, B. Adiperdana, S. Winarsih, A. Aprilia, D. P. Sari, I. Watanabe, and Risdiana, “Effect of Light Irradiation on the Diffusion Rate of the Charge Carrier Hopping Mechanism in P3HT-ZnO Nanoparticles Studied by μ+SR”, Energies 14, 6730 (2021).
- B. Kurniawan, S. Winarsih, A. Imaduddin, A. Manaf, “Correlation between microstructure and electrical transport properties of La0.7(Ba1-xCax)0.3MnO3 (x = 0 and 0.03) synthesized by sol-gel”, Physica B 532, 161 (2018).